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Violetta Bertini • 11 months ago

The mother of the junior champion is the same mother of the two wimps that tried to fight Trunks and Goten in the junior division of the Tenkaichi!

juv3nil3 • 10 months ago


Dacid • 11 months ago

Alright ep2! Can’t help but worry dad is gonna die a la Apollo creed /The Champ

Violetta Bertini • 11 months ago

Unfortunately he will not get to sing and dance with star-sprangled (or rising Sun, in his case) boxers like Apollo did.

E D U • 11 months ago

I'm absolutely loving this

Violetta Bertini • 11 months ago

It was a really nice story, like a softened version of Ashita no Joe (which IMHO is still way better under almost any respect, despite coming earlier); but, let me warn you, you might not appreciate the finale of the anime much.

E D U • 10 months ago

Thanks I'll check that out for sure.